Benefits Counseling
MORE Than Just An Insurance Agency

I am passionate about making sure all your needs are met and here to work towards a stress-free future by providing you assistance with benefits and programs available to everyone who seeks service and is eligible. With 25+ years of service as an Elder Benefit Specialist/Benefits Counselor, I have had experience and training in the area of public benefits and advocacy for older adults. I am MORE than just an Insurance Agency; I am qualified to assist in applying for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, SeniorCare, Homestead Tax Credit, etc.
I am almost your one-stop shop for services.
- Social Security
- Medicare
- SeniorCare
- Homestead Tax Credit
- Food Share
- QMB/SLMB/SLMB+ Programs to pay your Medicare Premium
- Medicaid ~ EBD, MAPP, BadgerCare
If I can't help you, I will link you to resources and individuals that can!

Prescription Drug Coverage…. Medicare Part D
When you get ready to retire, prescription drug coverage is something you need to take into consideration. I will help you evaluate which plan will best suit your current needs and assist in enrollment. Having some sort of creditable drug coverage is an important piece in your planning process. Without such coverage, you will be assessed a late enrollment penalty when you decide to enroll in said plans, and that penalty will stay with you for life.
There are currently 31 different prescription drug plans to choose from, and in Wisconsin, we are lucky to have SeniorCare. SeniorCare is creditable coverage to Medicare Part D and is our state's State Pharmaceutical Assistance Plan (SPAP).
Prescription Drug plans are reviewable yearly, and since the coverage for prescriptions can change within the same plan, this evaluation can save you hundreds of dollars in out-of-pocket costs. I personally take it upon myself to remind you to update me with your current medications and run an annual assessment. After an assessment is completed, you will be
Knowledge is Power!
The Medicare Annual Enrollment Period is October 15 ~ December 7 of each year.

I am licensed to help individuals maneuver the Health Insurance Marketplace. With the Health Insurance Marketplace, you apply for Federal Subsidies to aid you in your insurance premiums. Accurately reporting all your income sources plays a role in whether you pay your subsidies back at tax time, so it's important to be as accurate as possible with your earnings.
After an application is completed, I will dissect the plan choices you have so you can choose a plan that will work for you, both premium-wise and deductible-wise. It's always important to review plans annually during the Annual Enrollment Period as your needs often change from year to year.
Enrollment in the Health Insurance Marketplace can be done during a Special Enrollment Period (SEP) when you are losing your healthcare, or during the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP), November 1 ~ December 15 every year.